Make the difference

We have active projects and others that need to be realized;
in both cases, for the children, young people and families we support,
the support of everyone is essential.
Giving us a hand is simple and you can do it in two ways.

Donate via
bank transfer

Donate online with
Credit Card or PayPal

Donate with

Sostienici con il tuo 5×1000

Quest’anno dona il tuo 5X1000 a Fondazione Don Gino Rigoldi: indica il codice fiscale 97727640159 sulla tua dichiarazione dei redditi.

Per te non comporta nessun costo ma, insieme a noi, puoi trasformare una piccola percentuale del tuo reddito in un’occasione per sostenere i nostri progetti.


Leaving a will means leaving a mark and creating a bond of continuity with the future that can become a gesture of solidarity towards those who need to be supported. A legacy to Fondazione Don Gino Rigoldi is a huge gift that will help us support projects for minors, young people and families, Italian or immigrant.

Other ways to support us

Whether you are interested in donating your time, your resources or your skills, there are different ways you can contribute to the realization of our projects.

The support of volunteers is essential to carry on and make known our commitment to the most fragile. Our volunteering proposals are managed by the BIR Association: becoming volunteers means making yourself available to support the activities for children and families of the community, for the boys of the Beccaria and for children in Italy and abroad. From 0 to 99 years old, it doesn’t matter your age, it’s always time to do your part: join one of our volunteering programs and become a protagonist of change.

If you are a private professional engaged in consulting (legal, commercial or in any other area) and you want to make the most of the proceeds of one of your consultations for a noble cause, donate the amount corresponding to your work to our Foundation.
You will help us support initiatives and projects for young people in difficulty and their families. Your donations will directly contribute to the realization of these missions and will have a significant impact on the community.
Donations from professionals represent an extraordinary gesture of generosity and testify to the commitment to a better future. Every contribution is precious and makes a difference.

On the occasion of your party, invite friends and loved ones to give you the most beautiful gift. Do you have a celebration or a special anniversary planned? Whether it is a wedding, a birth or in memory of a loved one who has passed away, a donation can make an important moment in life even more special.

Choose to support Fondazione Don Gino Rigoldi and testify to your commitment to the most fragile people.
Your event, or memory, can become a precious opportunity for sharing.
Ask your friends and loved ones to donate to change the future of children, young people and families and help them imagine a peaceful and rich future of possibilities.

Agevolazioni fiscali

In quanto ETS,
tutte le donazioni alla Fondazione godono dei benefici fiscali.

Come persona fisica:

Le liberalità in denaro o in natura erogate dalle persone fisiche in favore di Fondazione Don Gino Rigoldi sono deducibili fino al 10% del reddito complessivo. La parte eccedente può essere dedotta negli esercizi successivi non oltre il quarto. Le liberalità in natura sono determinate da un Decreto Ministeriale non ancora emesso, così che la normativa non risulta applicabile.

– Rif.: art. 83 D.Lgs. 117/2017 secondo comma

In alternativa

Le erogazioni liberali in denaro o in natura per un importo non superiore a 30.000 € a favore di Fondazione Don Gino Rigoldi consentono una detrazione dell’imposta lorda pari al 30% della donazione effettuata. Le liberalità in denaro devono avvenire mediante mezzi tracciabili (bonifico, conti correnti postali, carte di credito). Le liberalità in natura sono determinate da un Decreto Ministeriale non ancora emesso, così che la normativa non risulta applicabile.

– Rif.: art. 83 D.Lgs. 117/2017 primo comma

Se non sai qual è la soluzione più adatta a te, rivolgiti al tuo consulente di fiducia o al tuo CAF.

Ti ricordiamo che il CAF o il tuo commercialista potrebbero richiederti una certificazione che attesti l’ufficialità di tali donazioni. Conserva sempre le copie degli estratti conto bancari o della carta di credito per eventuali controlli.

Contact us

For more information on the possibility of supporting our projects, write to Beppe, our Fundraising Manager. He will be happy to help you.