The network

Discover the two associations that marked the birth of our Foundation
and still collaborate in the realization of the projects.

Comunità Nuova Onlus

Presided over by don Gino Rigoldi and born in 1973 from the initiative of a group of volunteers linked to the juvenile detention center, it is a non-profit association that operates in the area of hardship and the promotion of the resources for young people.

Associazione BIR ODV

Born in 1999 on the initiative of don Gino Rigoldi, it is a volunteer association, which mainly deals with active citizenship, international mobility and social inclusion in Italy and Eastern Europe, collaborating with people, organizations and institutions, on both a local and international level

Areas of Intervention

In this section you will find the areas of intervention and the activities carried out by the associations within the network.

Comunità Nuova Onlus


  • youth recreation centers
    street education
  • after-school and school dropout prevention
  • training and work placement
  • educational iactivities in schools and sports clubs

Childhood and families

  • accomodation for minors and communities of children and adolescents
  • promotion of children and family
  • family mediation and training for educational relationships


  • accomodation, care and support of drug addicts
  • prevention in schools and territorial and life contexts

Social inclusion and migrants

  • social secretariat
  • temporary housing
  • legal advice
  • day care for marginalized people
  • interventions in criminal cases, for minors and adults

Associazione BIR ODV

Child protection

Interventions in Italy, Romania and Moldova, with particular attention to minors who live in conditions of vulnerability, abandonment, poverty and discrimination.

Promotion of critical participation and active citizenship

Proposals for awareness, training and activation that have reached thousands of young people and adults.