The Shelter is a large farmhouse in Trenno where don Gino lives with 15 young people.
It is a safe haven for young people with particularly delicate stories who often have no bed, no family and no resources to start over on their own.
It is a help for young people who need everything: food, clothing, legal,health assistance, and educational support.
It is a compass for the young people to find their way back ,who have behind them years of community, incomplete educational paths and a poor ability to plan a life independently.

You don’t grow up alone.
Young, migrants and without family: everyone needs a home to return to and be able to say “I’m back in the family”.

“Accogliere significa instaurare una relazione”

Scopri le storie di alcuni protagonisti del progetto Casa di Accoglienza di don Gino:
dai ragazzi che sono stati ospitati negli anni passati e ora, diventati adulti, hanno trovato nuove opportunità,
a coloro che vivono ancora oggi con don Gino e immaginano un futuro in cui realizzare i propri sogni.

What it consists of

The young people at don Gino’s house are most often arrived in Italy alone: they are young people in crisis with values and identities divided between their own origins and those of our western society, confused by different educational models but not always distant. They are young people looking for balance and independency, and are strongly in need of being accompanied.

We ask an eighteen-year-old foreigner, thousands of kilometers away from home, alone and with a family migration mandate on his shoulders, to be independent in providing for himself, both from the point of view of training and professional, and from that of the house.

We want them not to be alone in finding an answer to these requests and we do it starting from the basic needs and the path we set, although personalized for each of them, has constants:

A refuge to not sleep on the street: A place to sleep, wash and feed because these young people are taken away from the street and its risks which have already brought them despair.

The point on rights: By listening to their stories we try to reconstruct the picture of their rights and opportunities.

Legal advice: We help them to move in the midst of so much bureaucracy, that repels so many, in matters of immigration, social rights and citizenship for foreigners.

Training and work placement: We try to accompany them in reactivation paths that aim at independency: we start from their interests and their possibilities, working on their ability to hold a work position that does not entail shortcuts, and are most often illegal.



15 young people in difficulty without housing alternatives who have years of community behind them, often former unaccompanied foreign minors who would otherwise live on the street, without knowing which direction to take. Some of them have just been released from prison.

Help us build redemption for these boys and girls.

How can you and your company help?

Becoming a Sponsor of the project

Becoming our sponsor offers the opportunity for companies and individuals to respond to the needs of these young peoplewho have behind them stories of violence, poverty, war, adventure. They are burdened bythe gambleand the sacrifices of a family that sent them to Italy in search of redemption. It means seeing these young people and their mistakes for what they are: young people under pressure, alone and without tools to be able to respond to the enormous expectations that weigh on them.

Choosing to become a partner of the project

An alternative way to support this project is to donate products or services of utility to support the ordinary costs of a life in sharing (utilities, food and clothes).

Contact us to learn more.

For more information about the Foundation and the projects, write to our communication manager, Benedetta. She will be happy to help you.

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