Credit to the Future is a training and work program – conceived and implemented together with Comunità Nuova Onlus and other partners selected from time to time – to give growth opportunities to young people excluded from the suburbs of Milan. The goal is to help eliminate the factors, including family ones, that prevent full social inclusion and an independent life. The boys are accompanied by a tutor who guides them along their path, monitoring their progress, difficulties and achievements and also connecting with the company in which they are placed.

Everyone has the potential to achieve great things

Discover the stories of some of the protagonists of the Credit to the Future project. Their tomorrow was born from their passions and the ability to realize their potential.

What it consists of

We invest in young people who start from scratch, in their training and in the possibilities of access to work. The aim is to give them immediate support to create the starting conditions and provide the tools to achieve an independent life, without shortcuts, that are often illegal.

After a first interview during which an analysis of the family context and the balance of skills is carried out, the young person enters the most suitable path according to his skills and previous experiences:

Skills gym: For those who need to insist more on the general skills essential in any work environment.

Legal assistance: In order to obtain all the documents that you cannot do without in any life project: identity card, residence permit, residence.

Economic support: To meet the basic needs, which often represents the first real obstacle in bringing structure into one’s life.

The program also provides two additional actions:

Training for trades: For those who need to acquire the professional skills necessary for work placement and immediate use on the labor market.

Work placement: Thanks to the collaboration with employment agencies and companies, to offer jobsworkstations not only with internships and scholarships, but also with direct placements.



120 young people between 16 and 29 years old who do not study and do not work and who come from situations of socio-economic disadvantage, reported by services and third sector organizations in the area or who spontaneously access the proposed activities.

Help us unleash more potential

How can you and your company help?

Becoming a Sponsor of the project

You can choose to make a financial contribution to our Foundation, thus making a precious gesture that helps us to support the many operational costs of the project (materials and tools useful for teaching, professional training courses, educational staff and tutors, …).

Offering a job

An open door is a great opportunity for young people. A new chance for redemption, growth and building a different and possible future.

Becoming a partner of the project

An alternative way to support the activities of the Fondazione Don Gino Rigoldi is to donate products or services of utility for the active or to be activated projects. Stationery items, PCs, printers, faxes, advertising spaces and consultations … are donations comparable to those in cash if necessary for the maintenance or activation of projects.

Providing expertise and training

The skills of each company can be very useful for young people to learn and use their newfound knowledge to build a better working future. We can build together a training module to enrich the “toolbox” with which the young people will approach the world of work.

We think that providing opportunities to deal with social emergencies is everyone’s responsibility. With our work we try to bring structure back into the lives of the people we meet. We have put ourselves on the front line. We really believe that our challenges can also become yours.

Download the “Credito al Futuro” brochure

Contact us to learn more.

For more information about the Foundation and the projects, write to our communication manager, Benedetta. She will be happy to help you.

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