The “Gianfranco De Martini” Scholarships are our action of structured support to accompany young people who are willing and deserving – but without the means to access the University – during their undergraduate courses. We believe that education is the best investment for the future of a young person: study – as a right also enshrined in the Constitution – allows that no talent to be wasted on socio-economic difficulties and promotes the creation of opportunities.


What it consists of

The ‘Gianfranco De Martini’ Scholarships will help young people to define and achieve a clear university and professional path, cultivating motivation and self-awareness.

The support that will be given will act on three dimensions:

Personal training support: To increase self-awareness and confidence, define interests and aspirations, and develop soft skills.

Methodological support: Mentoring & tutoring to identify strategies for achieving educational objectives and defining a professional path.

Economic support: Support for the Mentee to cover the costs of university enrollment, textbooks, materials useful for teaching, costs of educational staff, …

The reporting and selection process will be based on the following criteria:

  • Registration: attend the 4th year of secondary school (high schools, technical institutes and professional training institutes).
  • Economic fragility: Presence of verified situations of socio-economic difficulties.
  • Merit: Enhancement of the path of commitment and overall academic performance.
  • Motivation: Desire to continue studies together and understanding the value of the proposed offer and interest in the project.


10 young people per year from families in difficulty, deserving of continuing their studies.

Help us unleash more potential

Becoming our sponsor or partner offers the opportunity for companies and individuals to respond to the needs with concrete actions, supporting the path of a young person towards the goal of a three-year degree.

By supporting the ‘Gianfranco De Martini’ Scholarships, you can choose to do much more for the boys and girls we care for:

Proposing to your employees to become Mentors

The people of each company can be very useful to the young people to put into practice what they have learned. The Mentor represents the reference figure for the Mentee, offering continuous support on a variety of topics. The tutor of the Foundation will be present as a continuous supervision of the Mentor-Mentee relationship and as a point of reference for both figures to manage any critical issues.

Offering support during and after studies

During the university and post-graduate course, we believe it is important to stay close to the young people, on the one hand offering them curricular and/or extracurricular internships, and on the other hand helping them to identify possible work opportunities and/or continuation of studies based on their interests and needs. We want to support them in the preparation of applications and interviews aimed at work placement.

Contact us to learn more.

For more information about the Foundation and the projects, write to our communication manager, Benedetta. She will be happy to help you.

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