Volunteering improves one’s personal well-being (relationships, social, relational and transversal skills, sociability, self-knowledge and knowledge of others …) and the inclusion of people with fewer opportunities. This is why we believe in its importance and support alongside BIR experiences that generate a change in those who carry them out and in those who share them.

  1. Like volunteering at Beccaria with activities for the boys of the juvenile detention center, accompanied by the BIR staff for the training and monitoring of the experience;
  2. We also promote Youth Work at the Youth Center thanks to volunteering and active citizenship activities through the presence of a BIR youth worker; finally we believe in the paths for inclusion, walking trips made by groups of volunteers and young people with fewer opportunities in a perspective of sharing.

Beneficiaries: volunteers participating in the BeccaBIR group, active inside the Beccaria juvenile detention center. The boys detained at Beccaria, the boys and girls of the Youth Center involved in volunteering and active citizenship activities and the young people involved in the Inclusive Paths.

Contact us to learn more.

For more information about the Foundation and the projects, write to our communication manager, Benedetta. She will be happy to help you.

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