Category: Projects
Expressive-creative workshop
The main difficulty in Gratosoglio is no longer integration, but the lack of prospects for children who then grow up, become adults, and leave this…
Youth Center “Ermanno Olmi”
The Youth Center “Ermanno Olmi” is a community youth center (CAG) in Piazza Olivelli in Milan open five days a week. It is a point…
Citizenship school at Barrio’s
At Barrio’s we work together with Comunità Nuova with minors and young people from 6 to 20 years old and offer them important support with…
Construction school at Opera Detention Center
In collaboration with Assimpredil Ance, Intesa Sanpaolo, Umana, the trade unions of the construction sector Feneal UIL, Filca CISL, Fillea CGIL and the construction school…
Work System
The ‘Work System’ project by Comunità Nuova Onlus addresses youth distress by providing tailored integrated training and employment solutions aimed at reactivation and professional integration…
Azimuth Day Center
The Azimuth Day Center by Comunità Nuova Onlus is a semi-residential therapeutic-rehabilitative service dedicated to supporting individuals with substance dependence issues, located in the QT8…