What we do

We intercept the needs and offer answers to minors, young people, and families in difficulty. They are the future that we must take care of.

We design the future

We want to show those who do not believe and live in a difficult situation that a different future is possible. We start from relationships, the essential ingredients for a beautiful and satisfying life.

We create inclusive networks

Through the creation of bonds, we support people in overcoming exclusion factors (school dropout, criminal records, dependencies, material and legal difficulties) accompanying them towards full integration.

We accompany people

We welcome them, listen to their needs, and propose solutions. Sometimes, in order to start again, we must first deal with those urgencies that prevent us from imagining a different life trajectory.

Our projects

Our values

They are at the basis of every single step we take, guide our choices, and allow us to look to the future with confidence.


It is the human ability to look at people and build alliances by valuing and respecting diversity. It is the primary educational and social promotion tool, and the place where our humanity is realized.


It represents our working method. We are convinced that only by joining forces is it possibile that we can care for one another, just as the Gospels and the Italian Constitution ask of us.


It is the belief that when faced with the needs of the people we encounter, we must feel called to respond to the best of our ability and in the way that is possible for each of us.

Ultime news

Tutte le novità sui progetti, le iniziative e gli eventi che coordiniamo e organizziamo.

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