Our numbers

The commitment of the Foundation, from our birth to today.

Funded projects


Young people in training


Volunteers involved


Families taken care of


Ongoing projects

In this section you will find all the projects we deal with and, if you wish, you can filter them by project type, scope and beneficiary. Remember to click on ‘Apply filters’ to start the search and ‘Reset’ to reset it.

Credit to the Future

We help young people excluded from the suburbs to discover their potential and activate their passion to build opportunities for the future.

Don Gino’s Shelter

Don Gino personally offers accommodation to those young people who often arrive in Italy alone, confused and in search of balance and autonomy, who have no resources to start over and do not know where to sleep.

“Gianfranco De Martini” Scholarships

We offer the opportunity to attend university to deserving young people with fragile socioeconomic backgrounds, supporting them with our tutors and mentors throughout the course.

A home to start over

We accompany people to plan their exit paths from a situation of hardship or precariousness by offering them temporary accommodation and educational support.

Volunteering camps

With the “Volunteering camps” together with BIR we offer the boys an international experience of participation that makes them leave their comfort zone andleads them to live in a community context where they organize community and support activities for children, young people and people with disabilities in Eastern Europe. We accompany them during the year…

Don Gino’s volunteering

The “Don Gino’s volunteering” project proposes a path of active citizenship and volunteering for young people in Milan with actions on the territory, training and accompaniment of volunteers. Alongside BIR, we promote these activities: Beneficiaries: young people met through volunteering occasions, at the office or participants in the continuous training path.

Inclusive volunteering

Volunteering improves one’s personal well-being (relationships, social, relational and transversal skills, sociability, self-knowledge and knowledge of others …) and the inclusion of people with fewer opportunities. This is why we believe in its importance and support alongside BIR experiences that generate a change in those who carry them out and in those who share them.…

Places to grow

With the ‘Places to grow up’ project by BIR, we support the local partner Inima Pentru Inima in hospitality activities for children and young people coming from the public protection system, offering accommodation to minors whom the public system is unable to manage (due to behavioral disorders, groups of siblings, or adolescents who have left…

Juvenile Justice System Projects Inside-Out

With the ‘Inside-Out’ project by Comunità Nuova Onlus, we support the design and implementation of interventions dedicated to the social support and inclusion of minors and adults involved in penal measures, both inside and outside correctional institutions. The approach we use is based on the involvement of educators and legal consultants, which constitutes the core…

Social Secretariat

The Social Secretariat of Comunità Nuova Onlus is a reference point for individuals and families facing socio-economic vulnerability in the Municipality 6 area of Milan. The activities of the Social Secretariat are diverse: from distributing essential goods to conducting individual interviews to understand people’s needs, to creating pathways for employment and training, and providing support…

Expressive-creative workshop

The main difficulty in Gratosoglio is no longer integration, but the lack of prospects for children who then grow up, become adults, and leave this area. The CCTE Laboratory is committed to providing them with a safe place to spend the day after school, where they can have a snack with other children and engage…

Youth Center “Ermanno Olmi”

The Youth Center “Ermanno Olmi” is a community youth center (CAG) in Piazza Olivelli in Milan open five days a week. It is a point of reference for young people aged between 11 and 21 years old from the neighborhood, who find here activities designed according to their needs and passions. Through the work on…

Citizenship school at Barrio’s

At Barrio’s we work together with Comunità Nuova with minors and young people from 6 to 20 years old and offer them important support with paths of social inclusion. We work closely with them thanks to: Beneficiaries: minors and young people from the Barona district of Milan and from the south-west outskirts of the city.

Construction school at Opera Detention Center

In collaboration with Assimpredil Ance, Intesa Sanpaolo, Umana, the trade unions of the construction sector Feneal UIL, Filca CISL, Fillea CGIL and the construction school of ESEM-CPT, we have started a training course for laborer/bricklayer. The goal is to help the inmates of Opera Detention Center who have the legal requirements to leave the prison…

Work System

The ‘Work System’ project by Comunità Nuova Onlus addresses youth distress by providing tailored integrated training and employment solutions aimed at reactivation and professional integration for disadvantaged young people in Milan and its metropolitan area. The goal is to enhance personal and contextual factors that promote the employment of young people in vulnerable situations. To…

Azimuth Day Center

The Azimuth Day Center by Comunità Nuova Onlus is a semi-residential therapeutic-rehabilitative service dedicated to supporting individuals with substance dependence issues, located in the QT8 district of Milan. We accommodate a maximum of 16 adults, offering them a personalized therapeutic program that respects the goals, timelines, resources, and vulnerabilities of each guest. In their ‘protected…

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Our projects through the years

In this section, you can find all the projects we are working on and, if you want, you can filter them by project type, scope, and beneficiary. Remember to click on Apply filters to start the search and reset to clear it. In this section, you can find all the projects we are working on and, if you want, you can filter them by project type, scope, and beneficiary. Remember to click on Apply filters to start the search and reset to clear it.

Contact us

For more information about the Foundation and the projects, write to our communication manager, Benedetta.
She will be happy to help you.

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